English version of the text (Slovenska verzija teksta sledi spodaj)
Dear All,
firstly Hi to all of you :))
Jackie, Sevgi and Anke... if you will be reading this blog we would like to tell you that D-man is feeling much better now and we will probably meet up tomorrow if you are gonna be still in Bejawa (which hopefully you will be). Will send the message to Jackie.
For the rest... hope you are all doing fine.
We are in Flores (still) and are most likely to travel from Labuan Bajo to Bejawa tomorrow, together with the new travel buddy from Canada, Dominic (alias Lazy Bones :-).
After hectic time in Bali we have spend 5 relaxing days on Gili Air (swimming, snorkling and Rok also went diving), afterwards Bojana and Uros went back to Kuta and are now they are already back home to Slovenia, whilst Rok and I decided to take a 4-day trip on a boat to Komodo, Rinca and Flores at the end.
Anyways on the boat there were only 6 of the travellers (instead of at least 13), that is Anke, Dominic, Sevgi and Tristan alias Jackie (and of course Rok and I)... we had a really good time (despite the fire on the boat, my sea-sickness, Jackie's hangover and....
After being on Komodo island, Rinca island and some other awesome places, last Sunday we arrived to Flores, Labuan Bajo.
We were planning to leave after two days, but it just didn't happen...
On Monday we spent time hanging around, writting postages on the blog etc, yesterday Rok, Jackie and Sevgi went diving (Rok finally saw two mantas... but from a looooong distance) whilst Anke went snorkling with them. Dominic and I took a boat trip to Suraya Island and enjoyed a massage in the eve.
As you know that I am always up for some silly things, this time it was no exception.... Dominic and I decided to go for the card game we call War. The punishment for the looser was that s\he would have to eat one plant (which should not be poisonus). So he (unfortunately) lost that card game and had to eat the darn thing... anyways today at 3 a.m. he came to see us as he was really sick. Now he is staying in our Honeymoon suite (hmmm... do not be misslead by the name of the room ;-) and resting... whilst others went to Bajawa, cause it would be really silly if all of us would stay back here. Rok has decided to do some diving, and I have decided to write few sentences when I have more time than usual.
Btw: Jackie, Anke and Sevgi tnx for all your help this morning... ;)) and for PreOp Bob as well... D-man keeps holding him...(another Monkey fan;-))
As I have written already tomorrow we are probably heading towards Bajawa and then to Moni and Kelimutu.
Hope you are all doing fine and hope to see\hear from you soon :))
Hugs and kisses from
Rok&Jasna, Lazy Bones and PreOp Bob
Heyyyy vsem...
... se vedno v Labuan Baju, kamor smo prispeli v nedeljo.
Vceraj so se sli Rok, Jackie and Sevgi potapljat, z njimi je sla tudi Anke, medtem ko sva se z Dominicomk odlocila, da greva na izlet na bliznji otok, Suraya.
Ker je ze celo potovanje, od kar smo s to skupino, v znamenju igranja kart in kaznovanja, tudi nama vceraj ni usla ena igra.
Zal je Dominic izgubil in je za kazen moral pojesti eno rastlino (ki naj bi imela odvajalni ucinek, vendar naj ne bi bila strupena... Bojanka to je tista rastlina, ki ti jo je priporocila Tinka).
Zvecer sva sla se na masazo in kasneje smo se z ostalimi dobili na vecerji... potem pa smo se pocasi odpravili pakirat in spat, saj smo za danes zjutraj predvideli odhod proti Bajawi. Ob 3h zjutraj je bogi Dominic prisel do naju, cisto izmucen od bruhanja. Ker je bil zjutraj se prevec bogi, sva se z Rokom odlocila, da ostaneva z njim ter pot nadaljujemo jutri, ce bo z njim vse ok. Zdej bogi Dominic se pociva, Rokc pa se je odlocil za potapljanje.
Drugace se imamo se vedno super. Druzba je res krasna in mi je kar malo zal, ko se bomo razsli. Z Rokcom sva dobila tudi novega prijatelja z imenom PreOp Bob, katerega nama je podaril Jackie... Bob se trenutno crklja pri Dominicu :)))
Bojanka in Uros skoda, ker tudi vaju ni vec poleg, pa ful sem vesela, da sta srecno prispela domov. Sedaj mi je tudi sele jasno zakaj vas je doma tako skrbelo (potres na Sulawesiju... mimo katerega smo se dejansko par dni nazaj peljali).
Rokc je vceraj koncno od dalec videl mante, upam pa, da bo danes imel se vec srece.
Pleso... slisi se kar resno... upam, da bo z Roko vse ok... cimhitrejse okrevanje... ob tako skrbni medicinski sestri, kot je T-jka, mislim, da to ne bo tako tezko.
Uglavnem upam, da jutri res koncno odrinemo, v nasprotnem primeru pa se se kaj javim.
lp in *** vsem
Rokc, Jasna in Lazy Bones ter Bob